Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Stocking the Freezer

Getting ready for baby is finally starting to gather steam. We cooked a months' worth of meals and have them all labeled and stashed in the freezer. There are still two or three more big days of cooking ahead. The spaghetti sauce and ground meat meals are all finished, but I still have the chicken and pork meals to prepare. The trickiest part is going to be the chicken casseroles. I like to cook the meals in real dishes instead of aluminum throw away pans, so we freeze them wrapped in plastic wrap in the 9x13 pans and then transfer them to 2 gallon freezer bags. I want to make six chicken casseroles, 2 each of Mexican Chicken Lasagna, Chicken and Rice with carrots, peas and cheddar and Chicken and rice with black beans, corn and pepper jack. I like to buy the meat in bulk, so I have to figure out how to get the dishes all cooked and frozen within the time frame that I can store the fresh chicken in the fridge. I think I'm going to make one Chicken and Rice dish, then the next day empty the pans, make the second, and boil the chicken for the Mexican Chicken Lasagna. Most of the remaining meals are more about mixing ingredients and putting them in various freezer containers, so I should be able to finish everything soon. Thanks, Karen.

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