Wednesday, October 31, 2007


When I was six or seven years old, the school I attended announced a poster contest. Students were to create posters about their adult ambitions and the most artistic effort would win. I knew what I was going to draw. Me at a podium speaking into a microphone with a gigantic flag as a backdrop. I wanted to be the President of the United States. Before the ink was even dry on the mental version of my poster, I was informed that such roles were reserved to men and that God didn't make or gift women for leadership roles such as President of the United States.
Here we are thirty years later and we have a woman seriously contending for the office I coveted in grammar school, and I have to confess I'm sorely tempted to vote for her as a way of finally voting for myself. I won't though. She's pro-abortion, and we can't have that. I would wonder why there isn't a woman of right conviction to oppose her contending for the Republican nomination but it is obvious that its because the same men who discouraged me fill the ranks of the Republican Party.
Women have so much more to contribute than the fundamentalist groups within Christianity are willing to admit. Sometimes I think one of the strongest pulls of Catholicism is their firm conviction that Mary's little yes was anything but little, and that the most powerful event in history took place because a woman said yes. I love how my new church is filled with women, women leading. No, there won't be a female pope, but there certainly are female saints and personally I think they count for more than popes anyway.
God does make and gift female leaders, and I'm one of them.

1 comment:

Mea Ansorge said...

I personally would draw tons of crazy stuff owing to the fact that i want to be an artist :)!