Saturday, June 03, 2006

The Value of Community

As the post cards left my fingertips and slid down the chute, a deep panic asserted itself, and I considered asking the post master for my mail back. What was I thinking? What had I just done? Only a crazy person asks the entire neighborhood to come over and write. A few deep breaths later, I remembered why I had committed myself to this summer's big project--I want to get to know my neighbors, and I love writing. I suppose a reading group is more conventional, but when you share your writing you share yourself. You take a risk that members of a reading group are spared, and in taking the greater risk you reap the greater reward. You allow your authentic self to be known and accepted-- who doesn't want that? I am not the greatest writer on earth or probably even in Spring Lake, but I have talent and experience and I'm willing to share it with young and old alike. I've opened up my cyber home for visitors, and now I'm opening my 3D home to the neighbors.
Neighbors, come and write with me; we'll both be the better for it.


Christine Ansorge said...

The name certainly is unique. There is a cluster of Ansorges in this area thanks to my grandmother-in-law who had six children most of whom preferred to stay close to home. It's nice to make your acquaintance. You should consider Spring Lake it's right around the corner from Grand Haven, and very lovely in it's own right.

Nicholas Borelli said...