Tuesday, January 10, 2006


May I offer some advice to expectant mothers? As a veteran of five pregnancies I've found that buying a pair of comfortable pajamas for the day after the birth is a mood booster. Often people will counsel you to stay in your hospital gown, but I find that getting dressed, even if it's pajamas, is empowering. You look like yourself, not a patient but a person with personality and style. You feel a little friendly one-upsmanship on the poor schlubs still looking lost in their badly fastened gowns. You look better in all those "just had a baby" photos. Most of all you are ready to make a good impression on your newest client. These special pj's will be one of the earliest memories of you this baby has, and since you'll most likely be living in pj's for at least a week or two it will be a strong memory. I still have all my post-partum pj's and they make me smile. Buy a size or two larger than you wore pre-pregnancy. I'm sure you've heard the bad news by now, but the day after you still look pregnant. You lose a couple months, but you are definitely not back to normal. You could use maternity pajamas, but that idea is depressing. I buy whatever looks cute with either an elastic waist or a drawstring. Have a great birth!

1 comment:

Trent_Dougherty said...

Good advice, C. I'm sending this link to a friend.