Sunday, December 08, 2013


I have always been blessed with fascinating friends.  Starting with Rene Rosier in kindergarten until the present day, my friends have always stretched me and introduced me to wider worlds.  A recent addition, Janet Tyson, is helping me see art in new and hip ways through her work, guerrilla exhibitions, and most recently her art
Janet's work is highly conceptualized without being stuffy.  Legos are her preferred medium and I never knew that they could say so much.  She also has a lot to say about other people's work.  I hadn't fully appreciated Rene Magritte and the Early Netherlandish artists before we were friends, and now I have new windows into the way the past connects with the present artist--that's useful no matter what creative field you work in.  You should quickly go and make her acquaintance.
Visit her HERE, and be prepared to learn.

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