Saturday, February 11, 2012

Pastor Ed

I have long admired Ed Dobson. It began during my college days at Liberty University, where he was a frequent speaker. He audaciously believed that if you follow scripture it will work, and that faith moved him to take on some risky business for Jesus' sake. He is also an excellent speaker. When I lost all faith in church, it was to the shelter of Calvary Church we ran. I still couldn't sit through a service, but I could stay in the building. I liked feeling that with Pastor Ed putting Jesus first we had half a chance. In the end I just wasn't meant to be a Protestant.
Ed's new project of telling his story about the adventure of dying is his bravest project to date. There is no greater terror than death. I wonder if Jesus tells us not to fear so often because death is such a constant worry, or if death is our final exam in obedience and he wants us to be prepared. Ed's writing is clear without cutting into our courage. He offers his honest experience so that we may share his honest hope. He is making meaning out of the dark.
Visit him here.

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