Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Assignment: Confessions

I've decided to drop numbering my forays into the Great Books. It made some sense when I was working from end to end, but now that our group is choosing books in a mostly random fashion, I feel it conveys no meaning.
I truly did enjoy Augustine's Confessions though I felt I didn't get as much out of it as I wanted. I would like it if I had the time to read it two or three more times, but I don't. I can make do with the bits I picked up. Looking at his perspective on time and comparing it with the little I know about modern ideas really reinforced the idea that our knowledge grows cumulatively each generation upon the next. I loved how personable St. Augustine is. Anybody else going on and on like that I'd think "What a windbag!," but because he is confessing not lecturing my heart was much more open to the lessons he had to offer.
Even though I failed to mine every nugget, I was impressed enough to continue with the next book of Augustine's that the Great Books recommend--The City of God. I'm only getting started, but I'm enjoying it. It's more my style of thinking than Confessions. I want to compare it with Jeremiah and Lamentations if I can find the time.
In any case I can say mission accomplished about Confessions and move it along.

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