Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Joys of Lent

Planning is one of my joys in life. I suspect if someone asked me to plan my death I'd get right to work not noticing the punch line. I'd lie back in the bed--"Put the lilies over there"-- then I'd graciously expire. It'd be the next thing on my list. Then again there's Jimmy's birth, maybe I wouldn't be so calm after all.
I've got to watch my planning for Lent. I'm a recent convert and I don't have the blessing of practiced discipline. The first year I gave up Starbucks hot chocolate. This sounds small, but only if you are unaware of the scope of my addiction. Last year I gave up sweets in general making a planned exception for a birthday cake. This year I'm.banking on those experiences to help me through a broader program including non-food fasting. I still intend to fast from sweets, but I also want to lessen my use of ready-made food. I may even take a stab at baking my own whole wheat bread. I'm also giving up cable tv. Masterpiece, Ugly Betty, Cake Boss, Project Runway, Eureka, Dr. Who, they will all be replaced with books or The Teaching Company videos. I might make an exception for PBS. If I can get my hands on a St. Joseph's Guide for my breviary I'll do thatfor prayer. I really enjoy it. If the guide is hard to get I might give the rosary another go. Almsgiving the kids and I have found to be a good time to get rid of the unnecessary stuff in our lives. Donating to the food pantry at church is another good thing we do.
It's going to be a great Lent. Less is more.

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