Monday, September 14, 2009

forget the can

I'll open my worms by the pound! This year we're studying early modern history and zoology as well as the usual language arts and mathematics. Zoology is bound to be the most fun, as I studied it in college and I love anything related to biology. We already have two little frogs in a largely self-contained eco-system named Tom and Fred. I'm sure that we'll have lots more fun, but next up is vermicomposting. I've done it on a small scale before, but this time we hope to bury most of our vegetable scraps--and not just on the nights we eat brussels sprouts. I had a beautiful set of instructions in a copy of Make magazine, but I can't find them so we'll just have to do the best we can with other instructions I found on the web and that came with our worms. I have to hurry up, the worms are escaping their wrappings.

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