Wednesday, May 23, 2007

100 Pages

The rough draft of my novel has passed 100 pages. The need to have something to read at my writer's group has been a gentle but steady push to make progress. It's quite satisfying to open the black binder and see all those double-spaced pages filled with text.
Of course, the minute you achieve a milestone of this sort you become anxious about keeping up. The scene I just finished was powerful and moved along on its own, sometimes without my say so. Working on the next part has gone more slowly, and the match between scene and plot isn't as clear or as powerful. However, I had the same worries about the last bit, and it turned out quite nicely.
Creating the first telling of a story has, so far, turned out to be much easier than I expected it to be. Once I embraced the "shitty first draft" concept, the only thing that matters is actually telling the story. If I can tell this story at all, then I can worry about knocking it into a well-told story later.

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