Tuesday, April 26, 2011

All I Wanted for Christmas

was new toilets, but it turns out its more of an Easter thing. One or another of our toilets was clogged at least once a day. All the usual problems with that kind of thing, added to a bunch of leaks, left us with no choice but to call a plumber. Bret Noordoff diagnosed our problem right away. The toilets were of a notorious design, by which he could and did date our home's construction. After living with disfunction all this time, we decided to replace them. I haven't had to plunge a toilet since. I never thought I'd dance the happy dance over bathroom fixtures. Welcome to adulthood at last.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Knot Not Naught

tied,woven, macramed
fist in my chest
where God is not
O, Mary, lend me a sword